Kick It California

What is Kick It?

Kick It California is a free program that helps Californians kick smoking, vaping, and smokeless tobacco with the help of proven, science-based strategies. 211 Call Specialists connect callers to Quit Coaches and self-help resources.

Highly trained Quit Coaches work one-on-one with clients to develop personalized quit plans and inspire clients to take quitting more seriously than ever.

Kick It CA logo Small
Graphic of female in yellow shirt with the text "Thinking about quitting smoking?"

Smoking is a habit that often fills a need, so you may have mixed feelings about quitting. Whether you’ve tried many times to quit or you’re just thinking about it for the first time, we’ll help you build a plan that will work for your life.

Text “Quit Smoking” to 66819

Graphic image of Young Man vaping with the text "Thinking about quitting vapes?"

Quitting vapes can be hard. You can be physically addicted to nicotine and emotionally tied to the device. For young people, there can also be social pressure to vape. We help people of all ages overcome their specific challenges.

Text “Quit Vaping” to 66819

Graphic image of zoom call with 6 people on a call wit the text "Does Someone you live with smoke or vape?"

Talking to someone about quitting can be tricky. What you think of as “helping” they may hear as nagging. Rather than giving advice, try asking questions: How ready are they to quit? What concerns do they have about quitting?

Call 1-800-300-8086 Today

Let’s get started!

Set Your Quit Date

How many times have you said, “I’m going to quit” and then not gotten around to it? Setting an official Quit Date (with smaller goals along the way) helps your plan feel real and makes you more likely to follow through.

Set Your Quit Date

Triggers are people, places, or situations that make you want to smoke (for instance, smoking on work breaks). The more you understand these triggers, the easier it is to deal with them. So it’s important to figure out what your personal triggers are.

Make a Plan

Finally, you’ll need some ways to handle your triggers. That could be calling a friend, chewing gum, or reminding yourself why you want to quit. A Quit Coach will help you come up with strategies that will work for you.

Call 1-800-300-8086 Today