2-1-1 Bay Area is a program of United Way Bay Area
Provides assessment and intake services for families for entry into shelter and housing program. Services provided include:
Housing Stability - Assessment and linkage to legal referrals for housing and employment barriers.
Housing Problem Solving - Case managers will work with clients to problem solve options and opportunities. This may include help for housing, relocation assistance, and financial assistance.
Shelter and housing program placement - Case managers will assist clients. Determine eligibility for shelter and housing placements.
On-site childcare is available for clients during their meetings. Case managers at the Access Point Community Outreach assist.
Please note:
Offers ongoing services during Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) and Disasters. Services are available if power is turned off in this facility.
Open to Homeless families with children in San Francisco.
Call or visit, if no one answers, leave a voicemail with your name, contact information and preferred language. Calls are returned within one business day.
Mobile response teams are available to meet families in San Francisco.
No information has been provided by Agency.
No fee
Service Areas