2-1-1 Bay Area is a program of United Way Bay Area
3031 Tisch Way, San Jose, CA
Provides caregiver referrals for daily assistance including:RespiteHospiceCompanionshipBathingCookingErrands
1046 West Taylor Street, San Jose, CA
Provides home-care services to disabled and elderly individuals. Home and housekeeping services include the following:Personal careMeal preparationShoppingLaundry and cleaningExerciseCompanionshipRespite care
3100 Alfred Street, Santa Clara, CA
Community living services provided directly to adults in their homes or community. Services may be provided 24/7 based on an individual's choice and need. An individual's family and friends may be involved in planning and oversight. Independent Living Services (ILS) is a training-based service that focuses on skill acquisition and support for self-care, communication, and community membership with a focus of:Financial managementHealth and safety needsMobilityPersonal and social skillsRecreation and leisure skillsCommunicationAccessing community resourcesSupported Living Services provide a range of services and support to enable individuals to live in their own home. Health, safety and quality of life are the main goals.Locating a home of their choice and becoming the leaseholders or owners so they can control their own living arrangementsHiring support staffMedical, dental, and other appointmentsMoney managementDomestic skillsPersonal careSpending time outside their homes for fun, friends, and other activities.