2-1-1 Bay Area is a program of United Way Bay Area
165 Eighth Street, San Francisco, CA
Provides adult education classes. Classes provided include:literacy GED preparationwork skills trainingcomputersindividualized tutoringAlso offers assistance with resume writing, preparing job applications, and interviewing skills.
789 East Poplar Avenue, San Mateo, CA
Provides daytime and evening courses in basic education to adults in San Mateo County. Services offered include: English as a Second Language (ESL) classesGED classesHigh School Diploma classesOptician CourseMedical Assistant CourseMedical Billing and Coding CoursePharmacy Technician CoursePhlebotomy Course Dental Assistant Course
1331 East Calaveras Boulevard, Milpitas, CA
Provides public elementary, middle, and high school administration. Includes:Burnett Elementary SchoolCurtner Elementary SchoolPomeroy Elementary SchoolRandall Elementary SchoolRose Elementary SchoolSinnott Elementary Schoolspangler Elementary SchoolWeller Elementary SchoolZanker Elementary SchoolMabel Mattos Elementary SchoolRancho Middle SchoolRussell Middle SchoolMilpitas High SchoolMilpitas Middle College High School Calaveras Hills High School
830 North Capitol Avenue, San Jose, CA
Provides public high school administration for the following schools:Adult Transition Program Andrew P Hill High SchoolApollo High SchoolCatero High SchoolEast Side Adult EducationEvergreen Valley High SchoolFoothill High SchoolIndependence High SchoolJames Lick High SchoolMt Pleasant High SchoolOak Grove High SchoolPegasus High School Phoenix High SchoolPiedmont Hills High SchoolSanta Teresa High SchoolSilver Creek High SchoolWilliam C Overfelt High SchoolYerba Buena High School
760 Hillsdale Avenue, San Jose, CA
Provides adult education classes and opportunities including:Adult basic educationAdult high school diplomaHigh School Equivalency test instructionEnglish as a Second Language (ESL)
1381 South First Street, San Jose, CA
Provides parents of preschoolers with ESL skills to facilitate healthy development. Ensures parents can speak to a child's teacher or physician. Also offers parenting classes that teach positive approaches to raising their children. The Parents of Preschoolers program works in tandem with the Early Childhood Education (ECE) program. Helps the academic, social, and cognitive outcomes for parents and their young children.
1331 East Calaveras Boulevard, Milpitas, CA
Offers Adult Education classes and opportunities including:English as a Second Language (ESL)Adult Basic EducationHigh School DiplomaGED test preparationHiSET test preparationPARAPRO testingTyping Test and Certificate Career and Technical Education
1224 Del Mar Avenue, San Jose, CA
Offers adult and community education courses. Students receive academic and career counseling. Enrollment is open quarterly and class schedules are flexible.Adult basic educationAdult high school diplomaGeneral Education Development (GED) preparationHigh School Equivalency Test (HiSET) preparationEnglish as a Second Language (ESL)Citizenship educationCareer technical education
Alameda is a 211 Bay Area Partner County. If you click the button below 211alamedacounty.org will open in a new browser tab.
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Contra Costa is a 211 Bay Area Partner County. If you click the button below the Contra Costa Crisis Center website will open in a new browser tab.
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