2-1-1 Bay Area is a program of United Way Bay Area
1269 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA
Provides care for victims and survivors of domestic violence Additional services provided include:Crisis response and interventionSafety planning and risk assessmentCounselingSupport groupsIntakes to Emergency ShelterAssistance with housing stabilityEconomic empowermentSafe visitation advocacyRestraining order assistanceAdvocacy and referrals
734 A Street, San Rafael, CA
Operates 24/7 hotline for victims of domestic violence. Provides emergency shelter to victims of domestic violence or sex trafficking. Offers legal systems advocacy including court accompaniment and restraining orders. Hosts domestic violence support groups.
400 Mcallister Street, San Francisco, CA
Provides coordinated services to those with family-related issues in the Court system comprised of Juvenile Dependency, Juvenile Delinquency, Child Support, and Family Law. Offers services related to parentage and child/spousal/family support. Services handled include: child custody/visitationdomestic abuse/restraining orderschild abuse/neglect casesdivorce, legal separation, and nullityAlso processes underage criminal offenders and mediation. .
201 North First Street, San Jose, CA
Assists with restraining order paperwork including domestic violence, civil harassment, and elder abuse. Answers questions about forms and case information. Information about court resources and in the community. Shares information on temporary shelter, counseling, and other resources. Please visit the Restraining Order Help Center webpage for additional information.
330 Bradford Street, Redwood City, CA
Provides works in conjunction with the Civil Courts in San Mateo County. Offers Civil Courts throughout the state of California in the execution and service of process. Responsible for collecting debts, under writ or court order. All requests for service or levy must include a signed letter of instruction. Either the Plaintiff or his/her attorney and the appropriate number of copies. Also the required service fees.
234 East Gish Road, San Jose, CA
Provides legal assistance with restraining orders and helps create customized safety plans. Provides document/court preparation and court accompaniment. Also offers a virtual legal clinic with access to pro bono attorneys.
330 Twin Dolphin Drive, Redwood City, CA
Provide civil legal advice, counseling, and representation for income eligible clients. Offers domestic violence legal services and assistance with restraining orders.
4 North Second Street, San Jose, CA
Provides legal representation for victims of domestic violence in family law including:CustodyChild supportDivorcePaternityRestraining orderAssists with Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and U visa application.
2211 Palm Avenue, San Mateo, CA
Operates 24/7 crisis hotline for victims of domestic violence. Provides confidential shelter, counseling, crisis intervention, and advocacy. Offers legal services, court accompaniment, and help with restraining orders.
1261 Travis Boulevard, Fairfield, CA
Operates 24/7 crisis hotline for victims of domestic violence or sexual assault. Provides emergency shelter, court accompaniment, and hospital response. Offers restraining order assistance, safety planning, and peer counseling. Provides domestic violence and sexual assault support groups.