2-1-1 Bay Area is a program of United Way Bay Area
507 Polk Street, San Francisco, CA
Provides legal representation for individuals with disabilities. Covers Social Security/SSI, ADA employment, healthcare, and Medi-Cal. Services included are:SSI and Social Security disability representation, including cessation (termination) before Administrative Law Judges, United States District Court, United States Court of Appeals and the United States Supreme Court. Post SSDI/SSI disability entitlement/eligibility clinic.Representation on ADA employment, Health Care, and other services as resources permit.Assistance for Medi-Cal based on disability.Brief services (consults) on Social Security, employment, health care and related matters.
1800 Market Street, San Francisco, CA
Provides civil legal assistance to low-income. Offers civil legal assistance, legal advice and counsel, effective referrals, and legal representation. Services include:HealthcareConsumer LawDomestic Violence and Sexual Assault Representation for family law and domestic violence issuesImmigrationRepresentation for tenants of public or subsidized housingYouth justice: court-involved, homeless, or at-risk youthPublic benefits (CalWORKs, SSI, SSDI, CalFresh, and CAPI)Veterans ProjectRe-Entry ProjectMeidcal-Legal PartnersPlease note that they don't offer assistance with criminal cases.
1663 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA
Provides legal services for people with HIV or AIDS. Offers assistance with housing, employment, immigration, will preparation, insurance, and public benefits.
4 North Second Street, San Jose, CA
Provides legal assistance with public benefits enrollment including:Social Security benefitsSupplemental Security Income (SSI)Medi-CalCalFresh (food stamps)California Work Opportunities and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs)In-Home Support Services (IHSS)General Assistance
2275 East Bayshore Road, Palo Alto, CA
Provides free legal services to low-income clients in:Eviction defenseCriminal record expungement Social Security DisabilityVery limited availability due to law school setting.
1810 Capitol Street, Vallejo, CA
Provides legal services to seniors, low-income individuals, and families. Offers legal counseling in areas of civil rights, health care, senior law, and housing. Services to assist with programs. Such as Medi-Cal, Food Stamps, and Expanded Access Project. Also, Social Security benefits and CalWORKS.
1048 El Camino Real, Redwood City, CA
Provides civil legal assistance to low-income. Offers civil legal assistance, legal advice and counsel, effective referrals, and legal representation. Services include:HealthcareConsumer LawDomestic Violence and Sexual Assault Representation for family law and domestic violence issuesImmigrationRepresentation for tenants of public or subsidized housingYouth justice: court-involved, homeless, or at-risk youthPublic benefits (CalWORKs, SSI, SSDI, CalFresh, and CAPI)Veterans ProjectRe-Entry ProjectMeidcal-Legal PartnersPlease note that they don't offer assistance with criminal cases.
330 Twin Dolphin Drive, Redwood City, CA
Provides legal advice, advocacy, and representation for seniors.Government benefits including Social Security benefits, Medi-Cal, CalFresh, Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI)Elder abuseConsumer law and debt collectionSimple willsGuardianships for seniors caring for young childrenAdvance medical directives
1250 Main Street, Napa, CA
Provides civil legal assistance to low-income. Offers civil legal assistance, legal advice and counsel, effective referrals, and legal representation. Services include:HealthcareConsumer LawDomestic Violence and Sexual Assault Representation for family law and domestic violence issuesImmigrationRepresentation for tenants of public or subsidized housingYouth justice: court-involved, homeless, or at-risk youthPublic benefits (CalWORKs, SSI, SSDI, CalFresh, and CAPI)Veterans ProjectRe-Entry ProjectMeidcal-Legal PartnersPlease note that they don't offer assistance with criminal cases.
4 North Second Street, San Jose, CA
Provides free legal advice and representation to individuals in Santa Clara County with mental-health related disabilities. Helps individuals experiencing homelessness in Santa Clara County as well as patients of the following facilities:Valley Homeless Health ProgramSCVMC Valley Specialty Center ClinicsValley Health Center Downtown ClinicGender Health CenterFor eligible individuals, legal services cover:Public benefits mattersReasonable accomodation to access benefits programsInvestigation of allegations or abuse at mental health facilitiesAssistance with name and gender marker to align with gender identityLimited counsel and advice for debtor's rights issues/creditor harassments